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Sciatic Nerve Pathway
From sacral plexus L4-S3 Anterior sacrum and piriformis •Greater sciatic notch Deep gluteal region...
How I Got Hooked on Fascial Distortion Model
By Mara AbbottOlympian and CTS Contributing Editor I almost never got bodywork as a professional...
Cervical Spine Cylinder Distortion
Proper patient position will make using the Squeegee technique possible for cervical cylinder...
Thoracic Spine Cylinder Distortion
Double Thumb technique and CCV are the most effective treatment choices for this region of the...
Lumbar Spine Cylinder Distortion
Squeegee - Utilizing the webbing between the thumb and index finger and the whole palm of the hand...
Torso Cylinder Distortion
Squeegee Technique tends to be the most effective form of treatment for torso (rib) cylinder...