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Building A Community of Fitness Athletic
Lumbar Folding Distortion
Lumbar Folding DistortionThe patient places the hand(s) on the waist or lumbar spinal area....
Sacrum Folding Distortion
Sacrum Folding DistortionThe patient places the hand(s) on the waist or lumbar spinal area....
Hip Folding Distortion
Hip Folding DistortionUnfolding/Traction - The patient places one hand on the region around the...
Thigh Folding Distortion
Thigh Folding DistortionAnterior Septum Breaking the Cookie: Start with the patient supine. Use...
Knee Folding Distortion
Knee Folding DistortionUnfolding/Traction - The patient is placed in a prone or supine position....
Leg Folding Distortion
Leg Folding DistortionInterosseous Membrane Unfolding/Traction -position the patient supine on the...