Forearm Folding Distortion The patient holds the muscles of the lower arm and tries to pull the muscles apart from the bone. In the case of a folding distortion of the interosseous membrane, the patient pushes in between the ulna and the radius (pinch grip) with his...
Wrist Folding Distortion Refolding distortions occur frequently in the wrist when someone falls on an outstretched arm. Before these are treated, you should check whether a Continuum distortion is present. This should be treated before treating a refolding distortion....
Hand Folding Distortion Unfolding/Traction – short lever and long lever traction forces can be utilized in order to unfold the carpal- metacarpal joints. Refolding/Compression – refolding the hand requires constant compression while mobilizing the joint(s)...
Fingers Folding Distortion Unfolding/Traction – combining traction with various degrees of rotation is the optimal approach for unfolding the fingers. Refolding/Compression – constant compression coupled with simultaneous rotation of varying degrees will...
Lumbar Folding Distortion The patient places the hand(s) on the waist or lumbar spinal area. Sweeping from medial to lateral with a finger or fingers, just at or above the belt line, is another very common body language for folding distortions in the lumbar region of...
Sacrum Folding Distortion The patient places the hand(s) on the waist or lumbar spinal area. Sweeping from medial to lateral with a finger or fingers, just at or above the belt line, is another very common body language for folding distortions in the lumbar region of...