Ribs Triggerband Triggerbands on the ribs often occur in patients after suffering from pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, or pleuritis. This triggerband can be found anywhere along the rib pathways and is treated in the direction indicated by the...
Anterior Ribs Triggerband Triggerbands on the ribs often occur in patients after suffering from pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, or pleuritis. This triggerband is usually found in the lower thoracic region and is treated by starting from the spine in the...
Abdominal Triggerband The patient will make different passes around the outside or middle of the abs with their fingers. Start along the ribcage, stay on the lateral side of the abdominal muscles, follow it down towards the pubic symphysis. Body Language...
Upper Trapezius Triggerband The Upper Trapezius Triggerband typically begins on the superior aspect of the A/C joint and terminates on the ipsilateral mastoid process. This pathway is one of the pathways found in the “Star” Triggerband. This pathway contributes to...
Anterior Shoulder Triggerband The anterior shoulder triggerband begins in the cubital fossa where the superiorly directed fibers intersect with the horizontally oriented fibers of the bicipital aponeurosis. Starting in this region, this triggerband moves superiorly...
Medial Shoulder Triggerband In the same way as the lateral shoulder triggerband, the medial shoulder triggerband on the upper arm runs between the biceps and the triceps, along the medial side of the arm. Starting at the medial epicondyle, it runs along either the...