Ulnar Triggerband The ulnar triggerband is similar to the radial triggerband in that it runs between the flexors and the extensors, but it runs along the ulnar aspect. It terminates along the lateral and distal edge of the little finger. Body Language...
Palmar Triggerband The palmar triggerband is located on the palmar aspect of the hand and typically begins proximal to the carpal tunnel. Its pathway will typically follow the medial, or lateral flexor tendons of the palm and fingers. Multiple palmar triggerbands may...
Thumb Triggerband This is a distortion that most frequently occurs due to sports or skiing. Triggerbands are mainly present from the transverse carpal ligament, through the thenar muscles and terminating at the distal tip of the thumb. Body Language...
Finger Triggerband As with the thumb triggerband, these are most often the result of sports, or repetitive motion. The FDM can quite successfully treat a Dupuytren contracture. Here there is a combination of calcified and chronic trigger bands. Body Language...
Gluteal Triggerband The gluteal TB pathway starts superior to the iliac crest and runs in the caudal direction until it reaches the ischial tuberosity. Treatment of the gluteal TB is best done with the patient in a forward flexed position, or leaning on the bench....
Groin Triggerband The pelvic-groin TB starts at the ASIS, and runs distal and medial along the inguinal ligament where it terminates at the pubic symphysis. Begin at the ASIS and follow the inguinal ligament to the pubic symphysis. Be careful to avoid slipping off the...