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Hip Folding Distortion

Hip Folding Distortion Unfolding/Traction – The patient places one hand on the region around the greater trochanter (outer portion of hip joint). However, the patients will usually indicate with a hand in the groin region and infer that the pain is deep inside....

Thigh Folding Distortion

Thigh Folding Distortion Anterior Septum Breaking the Cookie: Start with the patient supine. Use both hands on either side of the femur, just anterior to the medial and lateral intermuscular septum. Start high in the thigh, push directly posterior to the body, and...

Knee Folding Distortion

Knee Folding Distortion Unfolding/Traction – The patient is placed in a prone or supine position. Stand facing the patients head. Place one hand proximal to the malleoli (inferior hand) and the other on the lateral aspect of the knee (superior hand). Traction...

Leg Folding Distortion

Leg Folding Distortion Interosseous Membrane Unfolding/Traction -position the patient supine on the treatment table. Place the top hand on the anterior compartment of the leg and push posterolaterally at a 45 degree angle into the anterior margin of the fibula, while...

Ankle Folding Distortion

Ankle Folding Distortion Unfolding/Traction – Place the patient in a supine position. With the leg straight, place the top hand on the dorsal aspect of the foot (thumb facing you), with the little finger on the distal margin of the talus and the inferior hand...

Foot Folding Distortion

Foot Folding Distortion The most frequent injury at the foot is the so-called supination trauma. Along with triggerbands and CDs this mechanism can also can cause folding distortions. However, such a trauma can cause both refolding and unfolding distortions. The pinch...
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