Toes Folding Distortion Unfolding/Traction – Hold the base of the joint and pull the toes at the joint to separate. You can use straight tension and give a little thrust at the end, or change direction and use quick little thrusts all of the way through each of...
Occipital Continuum Distortion This Continuum Distortion is present at the acupuncture point gall bladder 20 and is thus commonly known as GB 20. This is a very powerful point in acupuncture, and it is used to treat many problems in both acupuncture and the FDM. These...
TMJ Continuum Distortion The most common problem in the jaw joint is a continuum distortion, which can cause pain while chewing, jaw clicking, lock jaw, and many other problems. The therapist should remember the nearness of the ear to the jaw joint and that problems...
Transverse Process Continuum Distortion In the case of high stress on the cervical spine musculature, the treatment can be done in the prone position to allow ample relaxation of surrounding tissues around the TVPs. Continuum Distortions may be palpable along any...
Levator Scapula Continuum Distortion Pinpoint pain may be indicated along the superior medial scapula border, or the occipital region. Diligently palpate along the origin and insertion points of the Levator Scapula to find the most sensitive areas of pain. Hold direct...
Medial Scapula Continuum Distortion The scapula can contain multiple “quiet Continuum Distortions” along the scapular borders. These are not often perceived by the patient, but they do seriously hamper shoulder movement. The therapist should palpate the scapula in...