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Ischial Tuberosity Continuum Distortion

Ischial Tuberosity Continuum Distortion We can find CDs here at the connection of the sacrotuberus ligament superiomedially and the hamstrings attachments inferiorly. Since these CDs may be difficult to locate through palpation, it is necessary to find the exact...

Iliac Crest Continuum Distortion

Iliac Crest Continuum Distortion CDs that run side by side can be found along the crest and are easily located through palpation, which will gradually reduce them towards a caudal direction. CDs are rarely found in the mid-gluteal area. Instead, this is a common...

Iliolumbar Ligament/SI Joint Continuum Distortion

Iliolumbar Ligament/SI Joint Continuum Distortion This treatment is typically done in the prone position. If needed, a treatment in the standing position with forward spinal flexion is to be preferred to attain maximal exposure of this CD. The iliolumbar ligament CD...

Trochanter Continuum Distortion

Trochanter Continuum Distortion As already mentioned, some CDs can be found on the trochanter, especially in the posterior region. Body Language...

Adductors Continuum Distortion

Adductors Continuum Distortion Common patients with Adductor CDs are kickers, soccer and hockey players. As with radial head CDs, several CDs are often found next to each other on the pubic ramus. Some athletes frequently indicate older injuries in the adductors, and...

LCL Continuum Distortion

LCL Continuum Distortion These are found on both the medial and lateral side of the origin, or the attachment. Body Language...
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