Patellar Triggerband This is found quite frequently in knee problems, although it is often diagnosed as patellar femoral syndrome. The patellar TB should be treated in both directions. From the bony attachments to the patellar poles as well as the tibial tuberosity....
Medial Leg Triggerband Treatment of the posterior medial TB pathway goes along the posterior/inferior aspect of the medial malleolus. Treatment is always performed over the TB pathway indicated by the patient. Body Language...
Posterior Leg Triggerband This TB pathway lies between the posterior medial and the posterior lateral TB, and it runs deeply between both the heads of the gastrocnemius. It also goes over part of the achilles tendon. This pathway is commonly seen when patients present...
Lateral Leg Triggerband Treatment of the posterior lateral TB pathway goes along the posterior/inferior aspect of the lateral malleolus and to the dorsal aspect of the lateral part of the foot. This pathway is commonly associated with lateral ankle sprains. Treatment...
Anterior Leg Triggerband The anterior TB pathway (referred to in everyday language as “shin splints”) occurs frequently in runners and walkers. This triggerband forms as a result of repetitive motion. The pathway is typically seen in the anterior compartment of the...
Lateral Achilles Triggerband Triggerbands at the Achilles tendon are again seen frequently as the result of running sports. These can occur in an acute form due to a corresponding trauma. However, cumulative repetition injuries are more common. In this case,...